Four weeks today! |

posted by Daniel @
1:07 PM

He's a real good lookin' fella. Looks like he will have the same hairstyle as his daddy.
Enjoy the rewards God has given you brother.
He is a great little guy so far. :-D Thanks!
What a cutie-pie! I can see the blonde :)
Again, congratulations Daniel. You have truly been blessed.
I appreciate your thoughts and encouragement. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
My wife wasn't too happy having her ear on the internet, but I managed to sneak it in.
Very nice. Ah, the baby I mean (not the ear). Oh, the ear is nice too, ah - what do I say? I can't avoid trouble on this one. (delete) A-hem. Dan, you have a very nice family. I can tell by the baby and the ear. Theteak
You kill me. (ah, that is in the indicative and not the imperative).
Yeah, grammar can be really harmful if not clarified huh? Nice to ear...I mean HEAR you've been keeping up on your greek. (Please tell your wife I'm really, really sorry).
You have a beautiful boy :)
God bless y'all
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He's a real good lookin' fella. Looks like he will have the same hairstyle as his daddy.
Enjoy the rewards God has given you brother.