12:34:56 7/8/09.... |
Once every hundred years the clock and calender line up sequentially from one to nine.
For me that happens in half an hour (12:24:56 on July 8th, 2009).Labels: fluff |
posted by Daniel @
12:04 PM

All that effort, and I actually didn't notice the moment. I was buying a beef and cheese at Taco Time.
Oh well, if I live another hundred years, I will pay more attention.
That happened this morning, too, eh?
There was a similar situation in '06 (01:02:03 04/05/06). I stayed up until 1 AM so I could post on the second. Had I been thinking, I could have just waited until 1 PM. But then someone might have beat me to it, and we can't have that.
I was going to make some disparaging rejoinder subtly mentioning that a six card flush is hardly comparable to nine flush, but I couldn't find a clever way to make it seem noble and not petty.
To be sure, it was probably your post that inspired me.
I won't deny that your hand is better. I'm humble that way, which is what makes me so great.
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All that effort, and I actually didn't notice the moment. I was buying a beef and cheese at Taco Time.
Oh well, if I live another hundred years, I will pay more attention.