Howard Phillip Lovecraft |
H.P. Lovecraft was an early twentieth century writer (20 August 1890–15 March 1937) who wrote many ghastly tales centering on other worldly entities and otherwise freakishly disturbing, mystical paranormia. So unique was the niche that he carved for himself, that he more or less created his own genre.
I began to read his stuff when I was a young and impressionable lad, before I knew the Lord, and while I haven't spent anytime in the last decade reading anything of his, I still recall much of what I had read.
Of particular note was his C'thuulian mythology - a profoundly dark, powerful and utterly foreign pantheon of entities so alien to humanity that rather than spend much time describing them, Lovecraft instead describes those who have had the misfortune of seeing such a thing as quivering in a mess gibbering to themselves because of the sanity annihilating vision that their feeble minds have taken in and are unable to deal with.
Now, had you grown up on this stuff, you recognize the name of C'thuulu right away - it was one of the big bad nasties in many a tale. He was never the entity that showed up, but seemed invariably to be the one everyone was concerned would show up - and likewise was the one that the crazed cultists in these genre stories would always be trying to open a portal to bring in.
So it was with some mirth today that I discovered there is a It just tickled me I guess - I am no fan of his anymore - I certainly wouldn't want my children to read any of his short stories - yet I did find it amusing that some fan made a search engine for his stuff and called it Cthuugle.
The sad thing was that no one in my office has any idea who Lovecraft was - so I couldn't share the humor of it with anyone.
So I blogged about it. |
posted by Daniel @
3:56 PM
