Phil Johnson's blog (pyromaniac) over at phillipjohnson.blogspot.com is a fun read. I don't spend a lot of time there, but I like to flip through his blog spotting section when he posts them. This is just a collection of links to people who either mention Phil or something Phil said or wrote in their own blogs. I like the eclectic nature of those lists, it makes for fun surfing.
I find the material at the other end of some of these links is sometimes well thought out and articulate, and whether the author agrees with Phil or not at least he or she is able to express himself or herself with a civil dignity that befits the medium. On the other hand there are many blog spot whores - or, as I prefer to say, blog spot "strumpets." This variety of "blog spots" amuse me because I am the sort of person that finds shameless pandering amusing. They are sort of a cross between band groupies and little children who cry out "look at me, look at me" everytime they go off the diving board. This is no reflection upon the individuals - except for the distinction between being blog spotted because you have something to say, and being blog spotted because you want to be adored for your dive.
One of the fun things about the blog spotting is the graphics. Phil has a good sense of color balance - I am no expert - but I like that he generally sticks to the primary colors.
I say this because when I saw the above image - the king snake ("Lampropeltis Pyromelena" - and maybe it was the pyro thing - maybe just the colors - I am not sure) I immediately thought of Phil's images, and with tongue firmly in cheek I determined to make a quick homage post today just for fun.
I like the fire truck thing too, but I had to look for that.