Romans 6:10 |
For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. - Romans 6:10 [NASB]
We can miss it as we zip through Romans six, so I want to put the brakes on a bit. Paul says something here that is world-shakingly important to any Christian who is actually trying to live their life in the manner that is worthy of the calling they were called to.
You see it in these words: "the life that He [Christ] lives, He lives to God." There - did you get it? The life that Christ lives, Christ lives to God.
When Paul writes (in Galatians 2:20) that it is no longer him who lives but Christ who lives in him, we don't want to miss the significance: Paul is teaching that Christ is living His life to God in every believer.
It isn't merely that Christ is taking up a sort of dormant residency in the believer - it is that Christ is still living out His life to God in the believer. Our union with Christ does more than get us into heaven - through it the life of Christ continues to live to God, He is alive in us, and actively living to God (ie. ministering to us in accord with the will of God).
Such truth is not hidden in a corner, but boldly set forth in the new testament as a foundational truth. I wonder how many of us are actually resting on that truth daily? I suspect the numbers are smaller than they ought to be.
So if you haven't considered it before, Christian, know that Christ is living His life to God in you right now. It is by His hand that you were justified, and by His hand that you are being sanctified. He does this in obedience to God who (along with Christ) has set His love upon you.
I hope such a truth staggers you. |
posted by Daniel @
11:13 AM

A lot said in a short space.
And it is staggering. If the Bible didn't say it, I wouldn't believe it.
I was struck by this the other day as I was meditating on the passage. It is such a powerful truth, I marvel that I hear so little of it.
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A lot said in a short space.
And it is staggering. If the Bible didn't say it, I wouldn't believe it.