Noise levels at work |
One of the neat apps available for the iPhone allows me to measure (in decibels) the sound level at my desk. I sit pretty much right below the A/C for our floor, so there is a constant droning all day long.

As you can see, the buzz bounces around 50 decibels. At first I thought that was pretty high - but it isn't all that much - about as loud as a normal conversation.
This was disappointing need since I have made it out to be (along with my coworkers) something that is both annoying and taxing.

Now it seems my airport-Tarmac sound suppression muffs are a little over-kill.
-- Post From My iPhone
posted by Daniel @
11:28 AM

It's not just the sound level, but the unceasingness of the noise that's a problem. Suppose someone stood behind you and talked softly, nonstop, all day. Would that not be annoying and taxing (and justification for homicide)?
I have my back to the water cooler all day long... the water cooler that stands outside the open door to the large boardroom, beside the single entry point to our floor. All day long people talk behind my back (literally). ;)
Homicide is not homicide when it's justified - then it's just a judicial execution.
You look sad Daniel? What do you do BTW?
Jim, I probably was sad... Not sad that the droning was only registering at 50 decibels, because at first I was quite smug about that ("Hey look, that horrible drone is registering at 50 decibels - that must be like the equivalent of a twin engine Cesna or something!"), but later when I read that 50 decibels is no louder than a conversation, I was sorta bummed about that. It really did make my eccentric purchase of construction-grade noise suppression headphones seem, well, less like a cool office commentary, and more like a sad expression of middle aged crankiness (You kids with yer' ripped up clothing and loud music, get off my lawn!")
But as to my vocation, I am currently employed as a computer "developer" - or "programer/analyst" as we used to be known.
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It's not just the sound level, but the unceasingness of the noise that's a problem. Suppose someone stood behind you and talked softly, nonstop, all day. Would that not be annoying and taxing (and justification for homicide)?