The Cry of a Convicted Sinner |
Thou righteous and holy Sovereign, In whose hand is my life and whose are all my ways, Keep me from fluttering about religion; fix me firm in it, for I am irresolute; my decisions are smoke and vapor, and I do not glorify Thee, or behave according to thy will; Cut me not off before my thoughts grow to responses, and the budding of my soul into full flower, for Thou art forbearing and good, patient and kind.
Save me from myself, from the artifices and deceits of sin, from the treachery of my perverse nature, from denying Thy charge against my offences, from a life of continual rebellion against Thee, from wrong principles, views, and ends; for I know that all my thoughts, affections, desires and pursuits are alienated from Thee.
I have acted as if I hated thee, although Thou art Love itself; (I) have contrived to tempt Thee to the uttermost, to wear out Thy patience; (I) have lived evilly in word and action.
Had I been a prince I would long ago have crushed such a rebel (as I am); Had I been a father I would long since have rejected my child.
O, Thou Father of my spirit, Thou King of my life, cast me not into destruction, drive me not from thy presence, but wound my heart that it may be healed; break it that Thine own hand may make it whole.
-- taken from "The Valley of Vision" p.68 Labels: Puritan prayers |
posted by Daniel @
6:20 AM

Wow. Thanks for this post.
If I was stranded on an island and could only have two books - I'd take my Bible and my copy of The Valley of Vision - hands down, without question!
Mercy & grace on you Daniel!
Yeah - that is a "mucho" edifying read. I have the leather bound copy because I don't want to wear through it every few years...
JD - that is southern for "amen" right? ;-)
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Wow. Thanks for this post.