A poem I wrote just now... |
Inspired by this puritan's prayer: Need Of Grace...
Lord I confess that in my heart,
I've welcomed every fiery dart,
Abusing Your abounding grace
I've turned away from Your embrace
I've grieved Your Spirit from the start,
Lord I confess it from my heart
My life is like the leopard's spots
I've chained my heart to sinful thoughts
In shame and fear I've fled from grace
Ashamed to stand before Your face
My heart can't bear sin's hardened clots,
O free this leopard from his spots,
I've suffered in my rigid sin,
Afraid to let my Savior in,
Who'll free me from this miry place,
And teach my heart to walk in grace?
Lord, only You can draw me in,
I want to rest in you, not sin.
Who called me to my knees in prayer?
Who's sovereign in my soul's despair?
Who drew me to His throne of grace,
To find my rest in His embrace?
He's sovereign over my despair,
He draws my heart to Him in prayer.
Now shall I rise up from my knees,
To go on sinning as I please?
Will not my Lord grant me the grace,
To finish well and run the race?
Lord let me not rise from my knees,
Until my heart, with yours agrees.
posted by Daniel @
10:46 AM

I'm still working out a melody. But being an example of Iambic tetrameter you can pretty much sing it to any hymn melody. Try the doxology.
Seriously though, I'm trying to find a fitting pace and melody. It's not a clappy tune. ;)
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