1041: Friday Briefs |
Because I am hopelessly verbose, I thought I might try an experiment today. Posting snippets of thought that I won't bother to expound upon. Each of these would have been a post in and of itself, but I just didn't get around to it.
Being presently unemployed does not constitute or factor into a call to the pastorate.
Do you feel empty spiritually? That emptiness is there by design: it is intended to humble you so that you draw near to God.
What your wife says about you to others when you aren't there is a pretty good indication of where you're at spiritually. Does she praise you, or make excuses for you?
Hypothyroidism doesn't cause weight gain; the truth is you eat too much - that's why you're obese. It isn't your glands. Yes, hypothyroidism makes you want to eat all the time - but your self control is the problem, not your glands.
If you haven't wept in prayer, I don't think you really know how to pray.
Children grow up just fine even if they aren't enrolled in every stinking program your community has to offer.
If you think Jesus isn't like that wrathful Old Testament God, it's only because you are clueless about what Christ will be like when He returns for judgment on that last day.
Colors that are deep and saturated are more pleasing to the eye than pale, sunbleached colors. So also a life that is saturated with Christ is beautiful, and pales a life that is lived in name only.
There, that's all I could think of in the five minutes I gave myself to post something today.Labels: Friday |
posted by Daniel @
8:26 AM

It was either this or palindrome haiku again - that never gets old...
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It was either this or palindrome haiku again - that never gets old...