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The Nashville Statement
Home: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
About Me: I used to believe that evolution was reasonable, that homosexuality was genetic, and that people became Christians because they couldn't deal with the 'reality' that this life was all there was. I used to believe, that if there was a heaven - I could get there by being good - and I used to think I was more or less a good person. I was wrong on all counts. One day I finally had my eyes opened and I saw that I was not going to go to heaven, but that I was certainly going to suffer the wrath of God for all my sin. I saw myself as a treasonous rebel at heart - I hated God for creating me just to send me to Hell - and I was wretched beyond my own comprehension. Into this spiritual vacuum Jesus Christ came and he opened my understanding - delivering me from God's wrath into God's grace. I was "saved" as an adult, and now my life is hid in Christ. I am by no means sinless, but by God's grace I am a repenting believer - a born again Christian.
My complete profile...
Daniel's posts are almost always pastoral and God centered. I appreciate and am challenged by them frequently. He has a great sense of humor as well. - Marc Heinrich
His posts are either funny or challenging. He is very friendly and nice. - Rose Cole
[He has] good posts, both the serious like this one, and the humorous like yesterday. [He is] the reason that I have restrained myself from making Canadian jokes in my posts. - C-Train
This post contains nothing that is of any use to me. What were you thinking? Anyway, it's probably the best I've read all day. - David Kjos
Daniel, nicely done and much more original than Frank the Turk. - Jonathan Moorhead
There are some people who are smart, deep, or funny. There are not very many people that are all 3. Daniel is one of those people. His opinion, insight and humor have kept me coming back to his blog since I first visited earlier this year. - Carla Rolfe
Theological Supplement: Vocabulary. A - D |
In my first year at university, I learned that the best way to hide an average intellect was to pepper your casual conversation with as many rare and archaic English words as you knew.
I am not talking about using field-specific technical jargon either, I am talking about purposely inflating what you say in order to come off as brighter than you truly are.
Ahhh... university... sigh..
It isn't that there is something wrong with having a large vocabulary, or using uncommon words in your discourse - truly, such things add color and flavor to a conversation; but it is one thing to be colorful, and another to wax eloquent for no better reason than because we want to foster in others, an inflated respect for our own intellect.
I mention all this up front, because I am now going to offer a list of words that are far less common in real life than they are in conversations where people are trying hard to sound intellectual.
I hope to eventually work my way through the whole alphabet, but here, for now, are some words (I cover A through D) that you can use to "intellectual-ify" your poasts and or comments; but try to limit your use to no more than two or three of these words in any given sentence, lest you come off as a poseur (One who affects a particular attribute, attitude, or identity to impress or influence others).
For example: Instead of saying,
"You took my quote out of context, and instead of arguing against it, you are arguing that I am a bad person," you could say, "Your acerbic ad hominem attack fails to satisfy, given your ham-fisted fumbling with the pericope in question, and the lack of coupling betwixt the former and the latter. You see? Suddenly you are not just defending what you have said, now you're fencing like a pro in the intellectual Olympics. Clearly your command of the language coupled to your lack of restraint in flaunting it, demonstrates that you hold the intellectual high-ground.
I am too amused by my own wit to continue....
Okay... a minute or so of silent giggles later, I give you, my first efforts:
axiomatic: (axe - ee - oh - ma - tic) self evident, easily perceived without having to be explained.
abeyance: (a - bay - ance), put aside, postponed, suspended.
apposite: (a - pose - it Strikingly appropriate and relevant.
assiduous: (a - sid - you - us) diligent, as in constantly giving attention to a thing. Doing a thing persistently, or without ceasing. attrition
abrogate: (a - broe - gate) to cancel a thing through anullment or repeal. To formally revoke. ameliorate
ad hoc: (add - hawk) Latin: "for this purpose" - used in English to describe an improvised or impromptu, "task specific" effort.
ad hominem: (add - haw - mi - nem) Latin: "against the person" - used in English as a fancy, shorthand way of saying, "instead of attacking my position or argument, you are attacking my person or character".
acrimony: (a - cri - mone - ee) expressing animosity towards another through sharp and/or bitter language, behavior or temper.
aphorism: (a - fur - ism) a short and pithy expression of truth (i.e. "Time flies..")
acerbity: (a - sir - bi - tee) vitriolic, or embittered speech; sourness of taste.
affable: (a - feh - bull) showing warmth, friendliness, benevolence, or having a character that demonstrates these traits
alacrity: (a - la - cri - tee) quickness or eagerness, or a willingness that springs from the same.
albeit: (all - bee - it) nothwithstanding, even though.
apoplectic: (a - paw - pleck - tic) being inclined to seizures or methaphorically, being inclined to sudden eruptions of rage, enmity, or fury.
avarice: (a - var - iss) an over-developed desire for wealth (i.e. "greediness"); cupidity.
behest: (bee - hest) an urgent request or an authoritative command.
bromide: (bro - mide) a trite saying or platitude, often a cliché through over use (bromidic)
bellicose: (bell - i - cose) a warlike, hostile temperment.
bailiwick: (bay - le - wik) a person's speciality, field of study, skill, or interest.
bête noire: (bet - nwar) a person or thing that is dreaded or avoided.
besot: (beh -sot) to make dull, stupid, or numb as through alcohol or blind infatuation.
bibelot: (bi -be - low ... don't pronounce the "t"), a small trinket or a miniature book.
brouhaha: (brew- ha - ha) hullaboo, an excitement of public interest, or the center of such an attention. comportment (com - port - ment) bearing, as in department or mein.
cognoscente: (con - yah - shen - tee) not to be confused with "cognizant". One who is highly specialized, possessing superior knowledge of a subject, field, or interest; a connoissuer.
capricious: (cah - pri - shuss) whimsical or arbitrary - doing something for no reason.
cabal: (ca - bal) pronounced sorta like "Kaboom", except the "bal" part rhymes with "pal"; a group whose inclusiveness is limited to those who share some secretive or conspiratorial agenda.
convivial: (con - vi - vee - el) merry, cheery, sociable.
contiguous (con - ti - gyu - us) adjacent or neighbouring, often connecting in such a way as to allow no space in between.
cogent: (coe - gent) (it sort of rhymes with toe jam), convincing, as in satisfyingly appealing to the intellect or sense of reasoning.
cacophony: (ca - ca - phone - ee), unpleasant noise, i.e. a loud, convoluted clamor, dissonance.
canard (ca - nard) French for "duck" (as in the water foul); used to describe a deliberate false story or presentation of something.
capitulate: (ca - pi - tyu - late) to give in to terms, to surrender a position literally or figuratively.
callow: (ca -low) immature, lacking the sophistication associated with maturity.
calumny: (ca - lum - nee) a deliberate, malicious misrepresentation intended to harm someone's reputation.
cupidity: (cyu - pi - di - tee) see avarice (an inordinate desire for wealth).
dilettante: (di - leh - tawnt) an admirer of the arts, or someone who has only a superficial interest in the same.
dyspeptic: (dis - pep - tik) one suffering from dyspeptia, but often used to describe something that is literally or figuratively indigestable.
de rigueur: (deh - ree - goor) a requirement made obligatory by fashion, trend, or social culture;
demagogue: (de - ma - gog) a leader who whose influence is fueled through passionate appeal to the emotions and prejudices of his or her subjects.
desiderata: (de - si- de - rat - a) the plural of "desideratum" - it describes things that are highly desirable or even necessary.
despot (dess - pot) A ruler who weilds absolute power, typically a tyrant or oppressive.
desultory: (de - sull - toe - ree) having no plan, haphazard, random.
didactic (dye - dak - tik) instructive, often morally so.
dude (dood) A male surfer (c.f. female: dude-ette); Used by middle age male bloggers to refer to other bloggers or commenters in a way that is supposed to imply that the speaker is younger, hipper, and cooler than he really is. Use of this word sends the same message to your culture: I am no longer part of the in crowd, but I still hang out with them. |
posted by Daniel @
8:39 AM

I know, it's the lowest form of humor, to laugh at your own jokes, but... hehehe... I must.
Now I'm going to feel self-conscious every time I use both of the words on your list that I know.
Wait till I get the rest done! No one will be safe!
You left out Dude(dood) an overdressed man, acity person, a tenderfoot, or just about everyone I know. ex.- Dude, time for a new profile picture man.
Dwayne.. I will add that. Thanks.
Dude!! (I have no shame)
I think I may have used one or two of those words once, in a term paper, after consulting the thesaurus.
I love old didactic hymns.
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I know, it's the lowest form of humor, to laugh at your own jokes, but... hehehe... I must.