Answering Questions. |
Question: Can God create a stone so heavy, even He can't lift it up?
Answer #1 I am pretty sure there were plenty of rocks on earth that Jesus, in His flesh, couldn't lift up.
Answer #2 If our reality is governed by the laws of a universe that God created, it stands to reason that the God who created both the universe and its laws must exist apart from them. It is because God exists apart from the universe and its laws that the question is flawed; since in order to answer the question according to the frame in which it is asked, one must presume (for instance) that the law of gravity is binding on God - as though God were a mere creature bound to the laws of creation like every other creature. If God could be made a creature, then yes, God could create a rock so big that even God as a creature could not lift it. But if God remained a transcendental Spirit, the question is about as coherent as Can God smell the sound of yellow?Labels: apologies |
posted by Daniel @
9:56 AM
That's the best answer to that question I've read.
That's the best comment I have had concerning the answer so far... lol.
Question: Can God contradict himself?
Two part answer:
First part. God is purposeful and not capricious.
Second Part. God cannot deny himself.
God who knows the end from the beginning has purposed all things in himself and he cannot change so no thing that he does is greater than his own means and ends. Scripture declares that he is God over all, to create that which he would be subject to would be a denial of his deity.
Next week's question will be on infinity and its limits. Or, what is on the other side of the boundary of the universe seeing that there is one verse and the absolute value of infinity is one which by definition is finite. Or, what is the smallest division of between? Or, does space exist? If so, what is between space and the things it is between? Or, by definition nothing does not exist, what is a hole? Or, if a dragon is slain and no one knows but the knight who slew him how big was the one that got away?
This is fun.
Any argument that begins with, or includes the known universe as a limiting factor on God is an apples and oranges kind of error.
The question really should be, does scripture describe a God that can contradict himself, and the answer is no. Whenever we try to put the God of scripture into a contradiction, we learn again that the God who defines and creates, cannot be thus boxed.
It is fun to show people who don't see it how silly these sorts of propositions are.
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Answer #2!