I Don't Pray Enough For... |
... the suffering in the world.
I followed a link today over at the Pyromaniacs blog, in the sidebar under Phil's "this is where I am right now" widget.
It was a link to a Pulitzer Prize winning photo essay, and if you haven't seen it I suggest you check it out, starting at that first photo - read the excerpt, then move on to the next until you are done.
It was (emotionally speaking) progressively difficult to flip through the essay - I kept knowing how it was going to turn out, and dreading it - and so much more having children of my own, though I found myself empathetically swept into their grief, sharing in it, and full of mourning, yet I could not escape a more wretched thought.
How I desire that the Lord burn this essay into my being, and as many like it as he pleases until I am no longer the sort of wretch that glances at his watch during a prayer meeting. How I loathe myself for those times when I have given into that part of me that complains inwardly over the inconvenience of prayer time. Let those images be written forever in me so that I may cast myself an utter wreck before my God when that thing in me rises up to quench a spirit of supplication. Woe to us as Christians if the mercy of Christ in us doesn't come out. Do not let the sun go down on you today without making supplication to the God of mercy.
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." - James 1:27 [ESV] |
posted by Daniel @
2:14 PM

That was moving, to say the least.
I posted on that today as well.
I read it this morning, and commented in the sidebar...it was intense...and we should be in tune...
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That was moving, to say the least.